7.1.5. Driving fuel consumption in road transport (thous.tons)
  1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
LPG1) 110 245 264 274 241 246
Unleaded petrol  782 1 341 1 490 1 901 1 926 2 054
Leaded petrol  894 583 368 0 0 0
Diesel oil2)  1 983 2 489 2 271 2 478 2 611 2 793
Gas oil 0 0,0 460 442 331 292
Biofuel 25 178 228 235 268 257
Total 3 794 4 836 5 081 5 330 5 377 5 642
1) in the year 1995 - qualified estimate Source: ČSÚ
2) till year 2000 diesel oil and gas oil